Auto insurance can include a wide range of coverage, from liability-only to coverage that will fix the smallest dent or scratch on your car's paint job. With auto insurance being required by law in many places, you may be confused as to what kind of coverage you need. This article will explain the basics and help you learn what you need to know about car insurance. Being a careful driver can really save you money on insurance. Obviously, insurers would rather insure good drivers and will provide lower rates for good drivers, but did you know that causing an accident can make your insurance rates nearly double? It is abundantly clear that driving safely is one of the best ways to keep your insurance rates low! To get the most for your money when pricing automobile insurance, be sure to consider the extras that are included with some policies. You can save on towing costs with emergency roadside assistance that is included by some insurers. Others may offer discounts for good drivers or including more than one car on your policy. A simple way to save a bit of money on your auto insurance, is to find out whether the insurance company gives discounts for either paying the entire premium at once (most will give you a small discount for doing this) or taking payments electronically. Either way, you will pay less than shelling out each month's payment separately. One of the best ways to get great deals on automobile insurance is to speak to someone in person or at least on the phone. Insurance is automated and very easy to get online, but actually speaking with someone allows for the back-and-forth Q "�n' A session that may introduce you to some discounts you did not previously know about. It is vital that when making an automobile accident claim, that you have all the information available for the insurance company. Without it, your claim may not go through. Some things you need to have ready for them include the make and year of the car you got into an accident with, how many people were in each car, what kinds of injuries were sustained, and where and when it happened. Know different coverage options, and check to be sure your insurance provides the best coverage. Liability is important both for damage you cause to other people, and damage you cause to yourself or your own property. Other types of coverage that you need include protection from uninsured drivers and damage from fire or other disasters. With many insurance companies, teenagers have to pay more for auto insurance. This is because they are considered to be high risk drivers. In order to make auto insurance more affordable for teenagers, it may be wise to put them on the same insurance as a more experienced drive, such as their mother or father. You might be able to save on auto insurance by obtaining a bundled insurance package. Search for these types of offers, especially those that bundle auto and homeowners insurance. Ensure you are paying an affordable rate for good coverage as sometimes two sets of insurance is the better option. Write down a list of each discount your insurance company offers. Go through that list and put a check mark next to any that apply to you. You might be surprised at how much you can save by claiming discounts. If you want to avoid paying a high premium, don't drive a flashy car. Sports cars and other high performance vehicles, often have premiums that are two or three times larger than that of a standard car. You should also research commonly stolen vehicles and be sure to avoid them. Most insurance companies will charge significantly more to insure these types of cars. When you go hunting for car insurance bargains, do not neglect your employer as a potential source of discounts. Many companies - even relatively small ones - have arrangements with insurers to get volume discounts for their employees. If your employer has such a program in place, you might realize significant savings by taking advantage of it. To ensure you continue to get the best possible car insurance, it is wise to do a little comparison shopping against your current policy from time to time. Doing this about a month before your policy renews is a great strategy. This allows you to take advantage of a better offer or use it to negotiate a new rate with your current insurer. When trying to get affordable auto insurance, keep in mind your state's minimum liability coverage requirements. You need to know what minimums to obtain so that you can get a policy that matches these particular minimums. You can find a list of your state's minimums at your state's insurance commissioner's website. Consider switching your current insurance to a lower coverage policy to save a few more dollars. Depending on your state's insurance requirements and if you are leasing or renting to own a vehicle, you may be able to lower your insurance coverage to save a little extra money each month. If you finance your vehicle, your lender may have requirements governing the level of auto insurance you must maintain during the duration of the loan. Generally, the requirements relate to how high you can have your deductible. Check with your lender before signing a new policy to avoid any conflicts. Ask your auto insurance company if they will give you a discount, due to whatever your chosen profession is. Some companies give rate discounts to customers who work in certain fields because they feel that you are a lower risk, due to your skills or the way that you may live your life. You can protect your car, yourself, and your passengers with the right car insurance coverage. Without it, you could find yourself in serious debt should an accident occur, and possibly even on the wrong side of the law. With the knowledge you have gained from this article, you are now well prepared to look for car insurance.
Auto insurance can include a wide range of coverage, from liability-only to coverage that will fix the smallest dent or scratch on your car's paint job. With auto insurance being required by law in many places, you may be confused as to what kind of coverage you need. This article will explain the basics and help you learn what you need to know about car insurance. Being a careful driver can really save you money on insurance. Obviously, insurers would rather insure good drivers and will provide lower rates for good drivers, but did you know that causing an accident can make your insurance rates nearly double? It is abundantly clear that driving safely is one of the best ways to keep your insurance rates low! To get the most for your money when pricing automobile insurance, be sure to consider the extras that are included with some policies. You can save on towing costs with emergency roadside assistance that is included by some insurers. Others may offer discounts for good drivers or including more than one car on your policy. A simple way to save a bit of money on your auto insurance, is to find out whether the insurance company gives discounts for either paying the entire premium at once (most will give you a small discount for doing this) or taking payments electronically. Either way, you will pay less than shelling out each month's payment separately. One of the best ways to get great deals on automobile insurance is to speak to someone in person or at least on the phone. Insurance is automated and very easy to get online, but actually speaking with someone allows for the back-and-forth Q "�n' A session that may introduce you to some discounts you did not previously know about. It is vital that when making an automobile accident claim, that you have all the information available for the insurance company. Without it, your claim may not go through. Some things you need to have ready for them include the make and year of the car you got into an accident with, how many people were in each car, what kinds of injuries were sustained, and where and when it happened. Know different coverage options, and check to be sure your insurance provides the best coverage. Liability is important both for damage you cause to other people, and damage you cause to yourself or your own property. Other types of coverage that you need include protection from uninsured drivers and damage from fire or other disasters. With many insurance companies, teenagers have to pay more for auto insurance. This is because they are considered to be high risk drivers. In order to make auto insurance more affordable for teenagers, it may be wise to put them on the same insurance as a more experienced drive, such as their mother or father. You might be able to save on auto insurance by obtaining a bundled insurance package. Search for these types of offers, especially those that bundle auto and homeowners insurance. Ensure you are paying an affordable rate for good coverage as sometimes two sets of insurance is the better option. Write down a list of each discount your insurance company offers. Go through that list and put a check mark next to any that apply to you. You might be surprised at how much you can save by claiming discounts. If you want to avoid paying a high premium, don't drive a flashy car. Sports cars and other high performance vehicles, often have premiums that are two or three times larger than that of a standard car. You should also research commonly stolen vehicles and be sure to avoid them. Most insurance companies will charge significantly more to insure these types of cars. When you go hunting for car insurance bargains, do not neglect your employer as a potential source of discounts. Many companies - even relatively small ones - have arrangements with insurers to get volume discounts for their employees. If your employer has such a program in place, you might realize significant savings by taking advantage of it. To ensure you continue to get the best possible car insurance, it is wise to do a little comparison shopping against your current policy from time to time. Doing this about a month before your policy renews is a great strategy. This allows you to take advantage of a better offer or use it to negotiate a new rate with your current insurer. When trying to get affordable auto insurance, keep in mind your state's minimum liability coverage requirements. You need to know what minimums to obtain so that you can get a policy that matches these particular minimums. You can find a list of your state's minimums at your state's insurance commissioner's website. Consider switching your current insurance to a lower coverage policy to save a few more dollars. Depending on your state's insurance requirements and if you are leasing or renting to own a vehicle, you may be able to lower your insurance coverage to save a little extra money each month. If you finance your vehicle, your lender may have requirements governing the level of auto insurance you must maintain during the duration of the loan. Generally, the requirements relate to how high you can have your deductible. Check with your lender before signing a new policy to avoid any conflicts. Ask your auto insurance company if they will give you a discount, due to whatever your chosen profession is. Some companies give rate discounts to customers who work in certain fields because they feel that you are a lower risk, due to your skills or the way that you may live your life. You can protect your car, yourself, and your passengers with the right car insurance coverage. Without it, you could find yourself in serious debt should an accident occur, and possibly even on the wrong side of the law. With the knowledge you have gained from this article, you are now well prepared to look for car insurance.

Konser TWICE di Kuala Lumpur Dibatalkan karena Alasan Ini ... Sana dan Dahyun Men4ngis di Bandara

Kabar kurang menyenangkan datang dari girlgroup asuhan JYP Entertainment.
Pada Sabtu (28/7/2018) kemarin, TWICE dijadwalkan akan mengelar konser dengan tema 'TWICELAND ZONE 2: Fantasy Park' di Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Banyak ONCE (penggemar TWICE) telah menanti-nanti kehadiran Jihyo dan kawan-kawan.
Terlebih ini kali pertama TWICE menggelar konser di beberapa negara di dunia.
Namun sayang, penantian ONCE Malaysia belum bisa terwujud.

Dilansir Tribunnews dari Soompi, jadwal konser TWICE di Kuala Lumpur ternyata harus dibatalkan terkait isu keamanan.
Pembatalan ini diumumkan secara mendadak satu hari sebelum konser diadakan.
Bahkan para member TWICE sebelumnya sudah menggelar konferensi pers.
Mendengar kabar konser akan dibatalkan, para member TWICE terlihat sedih.

Jihyo dan kawan-kawan merasa bersalah lantaran telah membuat penggemar mereka menunggu tanpa konser bisa terlaksana.
Beberapa member TWICE, termasuk Sana dan Dahyun, terlihat menangis saat berada di bandara ketika akna pulang.
Mereka terlihat mengusap air mata yang keluar.

Melihat kesedihan member TWICE, ONCE yang berada di bandara untuk menemani berteriak mengatakan 'Jangan menangis! Tidak apa-apa!' dalam bahasa Korea.
ONCE berusaha menyemangati dan memberi dukungan pada semua member TWICE supaya tidak sedih.
Sebagai ucapan permintaan maaf, TWICE mengunggah video di akun Instagram resmi mereka pada hari yang sama.
"Jumpa lagi, Malaysia!" ujar semua member TWICE.
Tak lupa Jihyo mengucapkan minta maaf pada para penggemar.

"Kami sangat antusias karena ini pertama kalinya kamu akan bertemu ONCE Malaysia, tapi sesuatu telah terjadi di luar harapan kami, membuat kami dan ONCE merasa kaget serta sedih.
Tapi, kami pasti akan kembali ke Malaysia! Kami berjanji!
Sangat menyakitkan melihat ONCE dan beberapa member menangis di badnara, tapi tolong jangan menangis lagi karena kami akan kembali.

Kami merasa bersalah sekaligus berterima kasih pada semua ONCE yang telah menunggu.
Sampai jumpa lagi."

Tak hanya itu, Sana menuliskan permintaan maaf secara pribadi di Instagram TWICE.

우리 말레이시아 원스 여러분 연습생때 왔었던 말레이시아에 꼭 언젠가 다시 오고 싶었는데 데뷔를 하고 이번에 트와이스로서는 처음으로 오게되어서 공연장에서 여러분을 만날 생각에 정말 설레고 기다려왔던 오늘이 어제 갑작스럽게 취소가 되어 저도 정말 너무 당황스러웠어요. 무엇보다 우리를 어제까지도 아마 나와 같은 마음으로 기다려주던 우리 말레이시아 원스들 너무 너무 미안해요... 다른 나라에서 우리 볼려고 말레이시아까지 와준 원스들도 있었죠? 미안해요... 원스들과 함께 말레이시아에서 우리의 첫 추억을 만들고 싶었고 정말 함께 행복하고 싶었는데... 이번에는 우리 트와이스 멤버들, 그리고 내일 보러와주실 원스여러분들한테 혹시나 안좋은 일이 생기지않게 안전을 제일로 생각하고 우리 모두를 위해서 결정이 된 일인거 이해 해주셨으면 너무 감사하겠고 조금이라도 빠른 날에 여러분들을 만날 수 있게 우리도 열심히 할게요! 원스 마음이 우리 마음인거 아시죠?? 다음에 만날 때 더더 행복한 시간, 추억 만들어드리겠다고 약속하겠습니다! 사랑하는 우리 말레이시아 원스들 다시한번 정말 미안하고 사랑해요 Saya sayang awak ㅜㅜ❤︎ TWICE SANA
Sebuah kiriman dibagikan oleh TWICE (@twicetagram) pada

"Untuk ONCE Malayasia.
Aku selalu ingin berkunjung ke Malaysia, tempat yang pernah aku datangi saat trainee.
Berpikir kembali ke sini sebagai member TWICE dan melihat kalian semua di konser membuatku bersemangat, tapi pembatalan tiba-tiba kemarin membuatku sangat terkejut.
Aku sangat sangat meminta maaf pada ONCE Malaysia, sepertinya kalian juga merasakan hal yang sama sepertiku kemarin.
Ada ONCE yang rela terbang ke Malaysia untuk bertemu kami 'kan? Aku minta maaf.
Kami ingin membuat kenangan pertama kami dengan ONCE Malaysia dan ingin berbahagia bersama.
Ini adalah keputusan yang dibuat terkait keamanan untuk melindungi TWICE ataupun ONCE.
Kami sangat berterima kasih atas pengertian kalian, dan kami akan bekerja keras untuk menemui kalian sesegera mungkin.
Kalian tahu bahwa apa yang kalian rasakan sama seperti apa yang kami rasakan 'kan?
Kami berjanji akan bertemu kalian nanti, kita akan menciptakan kenangan yang lebih indah.
Untuk ONCE Malaysia yang tercinta, sekali lagi, aku minta maaf dan aku mencintai kalian.
Saya sayang awak.

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